Office lenses are a type of multifocal spectacle lenses designed for near and intermediate use and are intended to provide clear vision at around 40cm to about 2 - 4m (depending on lens choice). Office lenses, sometimes referred to as ‘Computer Progressive Lenses’ are great for people needing clear vision at intermediate and near distances such as painters, artists, dentists, librarians, hair dressers, mechanics, draftsmen and editors.

If you are over 40 years of age and use a computer for more than 4 hours per day, these lenses are ideal and help alleviate visual fatigue while you work. If you do any kind of near work, within arm’s reach for a large part of your day, you will likely benefit from office lenses, even if you don’t work in a traditional office environment. These lenses also allow for better posture, making it easier to hold your head in a more natural position while your work. 

Benefits: Computer lenses can dramatically increase visual comfort. They allow for a wider field of clear view compared to a standard multifocal and a wider range of clear vision from near to intermediate distances than a pair of standard reading glasses. 

Disadvantages: Computer lenses are a dedicated pair of glasses so you will still need your regular every-day glasses for everything else.

Speak to your optometrist about whether Office Lenses are an option for you.